Service Animals
for over 20 years

K9 Service Academy

Superior Knowledge for Exceptional Results
K9 Service Academy is Better!
Board Certified Experts in K9 Health & Development

Real World Experience Helping Hundreds of Clients

Our Consultants Have Personally Helped All Types of Dogs.
Consultations, Training & Health Programs
K9 Service Academy
Our Compassionate Board Certified Consultants are Experts in K9 Health & Development.
We have experience with dogs of all ages and all kinds of disabilities
We understand why dogs gain weight and how they can lose weight
We will customize a dynamic program that will result in your dogs success
Our Exclusive, One on One, Interactive Consultation Sessions
Will Give You the Support and Confidence You Need to
Provide the Best Care for Your Dog.
How can I help you?
Complete Our


Training Program


Your Dog Will Be An
ADA-Certified Service Animal
K9 Service Academy Programs & Services
  • Service Animal Training Programs
  • End of Life Care Consulting
  • Nutrition Customization
  • Weight Loss Programs
  • Exercise Program Development
  • Mobility Assistance Aid
  • Dog Care Research Analysis
  • Massage Therapy Routines
  • Behavior Modification
  • Psychological Stimulation Games
  • Understanding K9 Communication
  • Owner/K9 Communication
  • Holistic Dog Health Systems
  • Obedience Training
  • New Dog Acclamations
  • Troubleshoot Problem Behaviors
K9 Service Academy Consultations
Recommended for Individuals Dedicated to Providing the Best Care for Their Dog

Lowest Cost K9 Consulting & Highest Quality of Support

Training Resources
Throughout the United States
Will Help You
Train & Certify Your Dog
as a
Service Animal.
K9 Service Academy
Superior Knowledge for Exceptional Results
Long Service

I'm So Happy

K9 Service Academy
Trained Me!